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ETags have become standard on vehicles, and it is essential to have one on yours. If you do not have an ETag, you can't drive your car because it won't be registered in the government database. You can either pay for your ETag upfront or buy a monthly subscription that allows you to use public parking spaces.
For instance, in Sydney, toll roads such as the Westlink M7, Sydney harbour bridge, and the Eastern Distributor are compatible with an ETag, saving you time and money.
All vehicles must have an Etag on them so that when you report it stolen or need to prove ownership in court, it'll be easier for police as they won't have to send out officers in search of your car.
Reasons To Have An ETag
Before you go and get an ETag, here are several reasons you should invest in it.

It's required in case your car gets stolen
Having an ETag on every car you own is essential, as that serves as proof for insurance companies, police, and the court system. If you don't have an ETag on any vehicle and it gets stolen, the chances of police being able to find out where it was purchased or who owns the car are extremely low.
To prove ownership of the vehicle in court and have a legal case against the offender, you need a certificate of ownership which is only available by getting ETags done. An ETag can also be subpoenaed (summoned to be submitted) if necessary, so ensure it's always on your property.
You can't sell without one
You can only sell a car with an ETag. This is because you will have taken the car off the market, and all insurance companies will suspend your policy and check you out, making sure you're not going to sell the vehicle. Even if you have an old property title or a number plate underneath your bonnet, more information is needed for an insurance company to be comfortable taking your other vehicles off the market.
It can help with resale value
Having an ETag on the car is a sign of trust, and some buyers will feel better knowing that you've taken the extra effort to register it properly. They'll also feel more comfortable knowing the car has gone through the correct channels and won't be a dud when they get it home.
Having an ETag on a car is a significant selling point for any vehicle, so it's worth getting it and giving yourself peace of mind knowing your vehicle is safe from theft.
It's necessary for long-term parking
If you park your car in a long-term car park, chances are you'll have to have an ETag and certificate of ownership on it. This is because the council needs to know who owns the vehicle and that it has no outstanding fines or tickets. Private parking companies also require this information, so avoiding penalties is worthwhile when working with other businesses.
It helps when renting vehicles
When you rent vehicles out of your fleet, you can use an ETag as proof of ownership so that renters can be confident that they won't be liable for anything that happens to the vehicle during their rental period. It's valuable information for a car rental company, so it's worth having it on hand to provide this proof when needed.
It helps with insurance claims and reduces premiums
Insurance companies will advertise that they can provide ETags on all vehicles, so ensuring you've got one will help you reduce your premiums. It also helps with loss adjuster claims if your car is stolen or encounters damage in an accident during the rental period. Many insurance companies require ETags before approving a claim, so ensure you've ordered them ahead of time.
It keeps your car in compliance
Depending on your state, if you don't have an ETag on your vehicle, it can seriously impact your ability to drive that vehicle. In Australia, driving on the toll roads generally requires that the car have an ETag, so ensure you've registered and arranged an ETag before driving. This is especially important for leased vehicles because if you damage a car over six months old, the company will hold you responsible for paying for the repair.
Where To Get An Etag
There are different types of locations where you can get an ETag. Your choice will depend on your needs and what kind of service they provide.

Linktgo App
The Linktgo app is excellent if you're unsure what to do with your certificate of ownership and whether it's worth getting an ETag. It's straightforward and provides an online platform for creating tag accounts without paperwork. So this is a perfect option if you need assistance with registration. You only need to pay the account fees, which include administrative costs, payment processing, and vehicle matching.
Service NSW
Service NSW is a fantastic option if you want a Certificate of Ownership and to get the ETag done in one location. The best part about Service NSW is that it's open 24/7 and always accessible when you need it. They also have a wide range of other services, including setting up businesses, registering trademarks, and more, so if you're looking for more than just an Etag, this could be the place to go.
Government Registries
The state government may have something you can use for your Etag (depending on which state you live in) since all states use the same systems for registration. You can pay fewer pass fees using this option than private companies, and they are easy to access. Just make sure you can find the nearest office before choosing one, as they're not always near a public place, so it's important to know you'll be able to get there.
Toll Calculator
If you want to know what it's going to cost you to park, get ETags done, or even how much it will cost if your car gets stolen, then the toll calculator is a great option. It uses all of the toll roads across Australia and gives you an estimate based on your chosen route and time of day.
They also include information about what it will cost for an ETag and charges for other services like registration and certificates of ownership. Account customers can buy various services on their account, including roadside assistance, recovery assistance, and more.
Tips For Using An ETag On Your Vehicle

Providing an ETag is necessary
Most states require that you have an ETag on each vehicle registered there, and many companies will refuse to register vehicles without proof of ownership. So make sure you're doing everything possible to provide this information before registering your vehicle.
Make sure the tag is legit
ETags are not the same as a Certificate of Ownership (which differs from registering a vehicle). Tags generally come in either paper or electronic form from private companies, service centres, or government bodies approved by government registries. You should get a tag from one of these sources if you want to use it for legal purposes.
This is one of the most reliable ways to prove that your vehicle has been registered and is mandatory for all cars, so if you register a vehicle, make sure you've got an ETag on hand.
Know the rules
Your territory's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) may have different rules regarding what you need to do with an ETag, depending on where you live and the company that provides it.
Pay attention to expiry dates
Etags have an expiry date, meaning they must be renewed before that date if you want them to keep working (or else they can be deemed illegal). It's best to book this process before the expiry date to ensure you've got everything covered and won't need to worry about anything. Keep an eye out for any changes in the pack, as it can sometimes be difficult to tell how long your ETag will last.
Make sure you're not blocking the number plate
Many states require vehicle registration (with an ETag) to match your number plate. Otherwise, your registration can be invalid. You need to check with your state's DMV or service provider to find out whether or not there might be any changes. If there is no yes/no answer, then ensure you're on the same page as your company before changing things like this.
The most important thing about ETags is that they're required for your safety when driving and for registration purposes. Without them, you could find yourself on either side of a legal case that could damage your business or even cost you time in jail.
Get Your ETag Before Selling Your Car
Getting an ETag is the best thing you can equip your car with. Look into the different options and compare the toll invoice fees before making up your mind. Ensure you go for a trusted company with a simple system that you can use to send ETags and get other services.
As mentioned earlier, you must have an ETag if you plan to sell your car at a dealership or on online car sales sites. Even private buyers would want to see an ETag on your vehicle, so it's essential to have this sorted out as soon as possible. For more information, you can always contact your local car sales dealership.