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If you're a car owner in Australia, you should know that your tyres need to be changed every six years for roadworthiness. Unfortunately, many people neglect to do this and eventually find themselves with a flat tyre on the side of the freeway.
But it's not just about safety — poor tyre quality also causes more problems than it solves, like increases in fuel consumption and excessive vehicle wear and tear. So, you want to make sure you're making the right choice when buying new tyres.
What To Consider When Getting New Tyres

Tread wear rate
A tyre's tread pattern indicates how much material has been ground off due to the road's surface. That's why you need to find out how often that material has been used up and replaced over the years, so you can decide whether your tyres are being put to good use or not.
Tread wear indicator bars
The Tread Wear Indicator Bar is a series of bars placed at various points on your car's tyres. It indicates when the tread has reached about 1.6mm thick and needs to be replaced.
But this number changes according to the vehicle type, usage, and material quality. Comparing your tyres with others is a valuable indicator to ensure you make a good investment.
Load index
The Load Index is the percentage of the vehicle weight your tyres can safely take before they become damaged. The lower the load index, the more protection your car gets from that load and the more it will resist wear and tear.
This number will change depending on whether or not you do maintenance on your vehicle, which includes routine services like changing oil and filters.
Tread depth factor
When purchasing new tyres, all tyres must fit with a Tread Depth Factor (TDF). This is the depth of the tread at the worn-out front and rear of your tyre. It's determined by the load index, which you'll have to include in your calculations.
In simple terms, a durometer measures how soft or hard rubber is. It refers to the quality of your tyres, which helps determine how much vibration they can stand. This will also provide an understanding of how well they perform on different terrains and how resistant they are to road hazards and abrasion.
If a tyre is weak, its ability to withstand high loads will be compromised, causing braking problems or tyres coming off their rims when cornering at high speeds. This will also lead to a greater risk of accidents.
Of course, you want to ensure that your tyres are durable and long-lasting. So, how do you find out whether or not your tyres are going to last? You'll have to compare the age of related sets of tyres and the original ones.
It's also a good idea to read customer reviews and try doing a little research on similar issues. That way, you'll know whether your tyres will last long enough to justify the price tag. The new tyres should last at least three years or more.
Factors That Determine The Longevity Of Your Tyres

If you want your tyres to sustain a long life and perform well on all terrains, you should try to maintain as low a speed as possible. This will reduce the load on your tyre and ensure it will not wear out quickly. One thing you should remember is that it's not just about the speed of your car; other factors like road conditions, weight, and even weather play a role.
Road hazards
It's not just ordinary wear and tear that can ruin your tyres. More than just a flat tyre on the road, there are endless examples of how road hazards can affect tyres. Torn treads, damaged sidewalls, and rims with too much body damage can cause problems with a car's ability to drive.
And this is why you need to check the condition of your tyres. Just like maintenance and service work can help you extend the life expectancy of your tyres, so does taking care of these defects immediately.
The temperature of your tyres can also determine their durability over time. Even though this fact may sound rather obvious, many people tend to neglect this aspect when changing tyres, thinking it will not affect their lifespan.
But this is not the case. Heat is the number one enemy of your tyres. When you expose your tyres to high temperatures, they will lose some of their elasticity and begin to break and crumple up, causing extensive wear and tear on the surface.
This refers to the amount of weight that your tyre has to carry every day. Since tyres are designed to hold a certain weight, exceeding that limit can cause problems such as accelerated wear and tear, poor handling, reduced fuel efficiency, and increased accidents. Make sure that you don't overload your car too much.
Air pressure
Under normal conditions, you should pump tyres to between 35 and 40 psi. Air pressure can also play a significant role in determining the lifespan of your car tyres. The lower the air pressure, the higher their chance of lasting longer. If you need to replace your tyres faster, choose a tyre with lower air pressure.
You might think braking is something you don't need to worry about when looking into tyre damage. But this is not the case. When airing down, the tyres stretch to their limits under constant pressure. The same goes when you're braking on dry roads or parking your car for long periods. Over time, this wears out the tyres and causes wear and tear on the surface.
Load carrying capacity
The load-carrying capacity of your tyre is another factor that determines its lifespan. The load-carrying capacity is determined by the tread depth, the speed rating, and the size of the tyre. This is why you must keep track of these numbers to ensure that you get quality tyres that will last long enough.
Despite all of these tips, there are cases of car tyres lasting longer than expected. So, how is this possible? Well, it's because some maintenance will extend the life expectancy of a tyre. Maintenance like checking the condition of your tyres, regular checks on your brakes and oil levels, and changing oil and filters can help your tyres last longer than they would otherwise. Of course, you should perform these at least every six months or so.
These are just some of the most important things that will determine the lifespan and quality of your tyres. It won't just be one factor determining your tyres' performance. So, compare each aspect with other elements to get a complete picture of how they affect your tyres' performance.
Maintenance Tips For Your Car Tyres

Check the tread on your tyres regularly
This is an effective way to improve the life expectancy of your tyres. Since you should carry out this check at least twice a year, it's an excellent idea to do it more frequently. Ensure you're inspecting your tyres on pavement and in a cool, dry environment. If it's wet or hot, then there's a chance that the rubber will become soft; this will make it less effective at showing you the actual condition of your tyres. By taking this simple step, you can prolong the life expectancy of your tyres by months to years.
Check your brakes
This is another area that requires frequent attention. Not only is this important for safety reasons, but it also helps prolong the tyre's lifespan. By being able to stop on time, you'll have the opportunity to be more attuned to real hazards that are coming up.
You will know precisely when to slow down or stop, and with some experience, this will become as natural as driving itself. So, always check your brakes at least once every year.
Make sure your tyres are correctly aligned
When you notice that one side of your tyre has minimal tread while the other side is worn out, it could mean something is wrong with the wheel alignment. Of course, wear and tear can cause this as well, but a lot of the time, it's because one wheel is not aligned properly with the others. So, it's best to align your tyres every couple of months.
Have your tyres pressure checked
This is another crucial step you should take when checking on the condition of your tyres. If your tyre has low pressure, then there's a chance that you can seriously damage its ability to perform optimally. So, when checking on tyre pressure, make sure you are using a reliable gauge and make sure it's clean and properly calibrated as well.
Change your oil regularly
This is one of the ways to extend your tyres' life expectancy and keep all other parts of your car running smoothly. By taking care of this simple task, you'll prevent unnecessary wear on your engine and keep your vehicle from creating drag, affecting your tyres' lifespan.
Drive lighter
The heavier your load is, the more pressure there is on all the other parts of your vehicle. As a result, this puts a more significant strain on your tyres, making the tyres wear out faster. So, if you have to transport heavy items or lots of passengers, then consider taking a lighter car as well. You can get a variety of vehicles that you can use for short distances and long distances alike.
Avoid rough terrain
When you are travelling on rough terrain, then there's a chance that your car will become even more vulnerable to damage. For example, if you drive over frozen roads or rocky trails, you will have a higher risk of damaging your tyres or at least the general structural integrity of the car itself.
If you make it a habit to avoid travelling on these types of surfaces whenever possible, this will help prevent unnecessary wear and tear on many other parts of your vehicle.
Avoid contaminated fuel
Many people probably don't know about this one, but there is a reasonable chance that it could cause damage to your car's tyres and drivetrain from inside the tank. Since most cars are filled with fuels like ethanol and kerosene, these could cause severe damage to tyre rubber over time.
Rotate the car tyre position
Another effective way to prolong the life expectancy of your tyres is by rotating them once in a while. Using one of the tyres on a different side of the car from where you originally placed it will lessen the chances of uneven tyre wear and tear.
Stronger Tyres, Higher Value
Tyres play a vital role when it comes to determining the longevity of your car. So, follow these simple tips to maximise your tyres' lifespan. If you follow them religiously, you can even get several years or more out of your tyres than if you did not. Preserving the lifespan of your tyres is also essential if you plan on selling your car at some point.
Buyers will check for tyre quality, which will impact the value you can get for your vehicle. However, you can easily sell your car via dealerships or online and offline car sales platforms if your car's tyres are in good condition.